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Δευτέρα, 29 Φεβρουάριος 2016 22:42 |
Thank's to all the brethren for the well acceptance to be connected as friends of Truth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The goal is to be one , not losing the autonomy of our personal existence but winning the unity of the Spirit of Christ! I shall say some about my myself to become close to each other. The kingdom of Heaven where is The Only and One God ,The Highest King of Heaven, my Eternal Father is the friendly safe destination of my lifetime,and I am thankful to follow His only Son who is by the right of greatness,The Lord Jesus Christ became to me the only reconciliation way to the Holy Highest God. I am only a simple discipline of The only Teacher Jesus Christ and I am serving Him as a Truth doer,as a wayfarer who don't look to any dogmatism of the people ,and I am holding myself out of any slavery of religions and staying only on the spirit of Bible. My main editing is in the .This site is not belonging to any church or dogmatic order. It's a free Christian Edition in Greek language. I feel like a debtor to you, my international friends in Christ,because the Greek ancient language is very rich full and accurate more than all the languages and for this reason I believe that probably I should be some useful for the well understanding of the holy meaning. There is and onother reason...The best of all is the correct meaning of the greek and the worst of all is the dogmatic translate of this language so I 'll try to help as I can for an accurate conceptual meaning without any doctrinal manipulated mood! All the problem begun, after the apostolic season where Greek priests changed the true meaning of One and only God to the unknown triadic god....Sir Isaak Newton discovered that Athanasios misrepresented an older church " father" Dionysius from Alexandria of 3th century about the word of "ομοούσιος" that was supposedly found in the writings of Dionysios earlier of Synod of Nicaia... and he was acted on behalf of the catholic priests who were believed in this doctrine of the trinity!And others of earlier "fatther" had been forged! For example "words" had been entered to the letters of Ignatius ,of 2th century to give a tinge of triality. Also Athanasios had manipulated the Declaration of Sardica for the same purpose.(From the book " The life of Isaac Newton" of Richard Westfall) So after this dogmatic invasion it was held a general (catholik) universal trinitarian brainwashing to allmost all dogmatic theologians... We must remove all prejudice from our minds and return to become like the children. Only the new children with openmind way of learning can hear the pure word of Christ and comprehend His Truth! ... Keeping only the Lord's teaching in our heart we shall be able to be entered to the kingdom of heaven! Our Lord said to His disciples..“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" Matt.18,3 I shall bring to you with few words what all of us can believe instand of Trinity! First of all our Lord Iesus Christ said very clearly..."μη ταρασσεσθω υμων η καρδια πιστευετε εις τον θεον και εις εμε πιστευετε" “Do not let your hearts be distressed.You believe in God and you believe in me" John 14,1 A small biblical message that the inte-religionists do not say...probably there is not in their dogmatic area... The Spirit of God is the same with the Spirit of Christ and is seemed in Romans 8:9¨: "You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him" So I understand that God the Father and God Christ have the same Holy Spirit. So we believe to two Persons with the same Spirit and that is the Power from on high which Christ's disciples have been clothed with...as we read (Luke 24:49) "And look, I am sending you what my Father promised. But stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Thankful to you all. It's very important to be always friends of Truth... so friends and brothers of Christ and also children of God our Father indeed! Yours in the name of Jesus Christ Phil Sotiropoulos
Τελευταία Ενημέρωση στις Τρίτη, 01 Μάρτιος 2016 00:35 |